cancel the order
Cancellation - Not Shipped
You can cancel your order for a full refund before you set up shipping. Note that this does not apply to custom orders.
Cancellation - Shipped
You can cancel your order after setting up shipping, but please note that shipping for outbound and returns will be deducted from your refund amount. Note that this does not apply to custom orders.
Cancel - Custom Order
Once a custom order goes into production and enters the "In Production" status, all production costs have been incurred, so cancellation is no longer possible and the balance paid cannot be refunded.
If the cancelled order contains a voucher, the voucher will be considered invalid and will not be reinstated. If the order that generated the voucher is cancelled, the refund amount will be adjusted accordingly.
If you have already received your order, please refer to the return policy above as order cancellations are no longer available.
If you have questions, please contact us at